How to make a complaint about us

We strive to provide the best possible service to you at all times and want you to be completely satisfied with how you have been supported and treated. We welcome your feedback about the way we carry out our work so that we can improve our service. We log all complaints about our services, whether formal or informal and review these with the Board of Trustees on an annual basis.

However, if you want to raise a concern or complain about our service or a member of our team, please let us know.

So that we can respond swiftly, please contact us within a reasonable amount of time (within one month) after you have found out that you have a concern or complaint.

Our team are here to help you, so please contact them initially as they may be able to sort your concern out straight away or arrange for you to speak with the right person. You can call our office on 020 7561 9240.

If you are still dissatisfied, you may wish to make a complaint.

Please fill in the details of your complaint below, or you can download and complete our complaints form from the bottom of this page, and return to us by post or email:

British Psychoanalytic Council, Suite 7, 19-23 Wedmore Street, London N19 4RU.

Alternatively you can call us on 020 7561 9240 and ask us to send you the form. If you need assistance completing the form we can help you complete it.

The process:

  • We will acknowledge your complaint within ten working days of receipt telling you which manager will be handling your complaint
  • The person handling your complaint will respond to you in writing within 30 working days
  • If you are not satisfied by the response, you can ask for your complaint to be reviewed by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. They will respond to you within 20 working days
  • If you are still dissatisfied following the review of your complaint, there are no further mechanisms in place as part of our complaints process.

There are some issues that we cannot deal with through this process:

  • Concerns or complaints against a Registrant. Please find information here about making a complaint about a Registrant.
  • Complaints about an ongoing Fitness to Practise process. If you have a concern about an ongoing Fitness to Practise process you can raise this with the case manager. If you are the Registrant being investigated you can raise your concerns in your response to the Screening Committee, your application to the hearing panel or through the appeal process at the appropriate points of the process. Once a Fitness to Practise process is fully completed, you can submit a complaint about the BPC if there are remaining concerns about the organisation, however this process cannot be used to change the outcome of a Fitness to Practise case.
  • Requests for your data. Please see guidance here from the Information Commissioner’s Office about making a subject access request. You can call or email us about a subject access request.
  • A complaint about how we have handled your subject access request. You will receive information about what to do if you are dissatisfied with our response in your subject access request response letter.
  • Any attempt to have a previous complaint about the BPC reconsidered.


  • If we agree with your concern or complaint we will:
  • Explain to you what went wrong
  • Apologise and tell you how we’re putting things right
  • Consider changing our processes or providing further team training to prevent the same problem in the future.

We will acknowledge your complaint within ten working days of receipt.

Make a complaint about us

How to make a complaint about the BPC

  • If your complaint concerns a specific member of the BPC team, please tell us their name:
  • Please describe your complaint as fully as possible. If you have copies of correspondence that relate to your complaint, it will help if you could include them. Please let us know the names of any members of the BPC team with whom you have already discussed your complaint.
  • Please attach any correspondence/documents you wish to add here:
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 2 MB.

    Professional Standards Authority

    How to make a complaint about us

    Guidelines for Making a Complaint About the BPC
    - (1 MB DOC)


    Consultation on Standards of conduct, performance and ethics

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