Get involved

We are a people-driven organisation and engagement with our Registrants, scholars, trainees, and Member Institutions is central to our ethos.

We are working towards a future where psychoanalytically informed work is routinely made available as a treatment to anyone in emotional distress, whatever their gender, ethnicity, sexuality, disability or income.

Join a committee

The Board of Trustees, supported and advised by the Chief Executive, provide the strategic direction for the organisation. We are always keen to hear from people interested in joining our Board as either a clinical or lay trustee, find further information about these roles here. We are currently particularly interested in recruiting a clinical trustee with strong ethical knowledge and experience to chair our Ethics Committee, as well as a lay trustee with financial expertise.

Our Council enables the Trustees to engage with the preoccupations of our membership – Council is made up of representatives from our Member Institutions (MIs). Other committees that have representatives from our MIs are:

  • Ethics Committee
  • Heads of Training Committee.

Other committees and advisory / task group members are appointed on a skills and competency basis. We advertise vacancies on our website, in the e-newsletter and where appropriate on social media. These committees currently include:

  • Registration Committee
  • Professional Standards Committee
  • Sexual Diversity Advisory Committee

We recognise the need to and value of expanding the diversity of people on our Board, committees and staff. We welcome applications from anyone who meets the criteria of the roles advertised, but particularly welcome applications from those who are underrepresented in the profession (including but not limited to those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic minorities, disabled or LGBTQ+ candidates). We welcome feedback from candidates about their experience of applying with us, and any barriers they faced in this process.

If you have any questions about getting involved with us, please get in touch.

New Associations

New Associations is our termly magazine, which has a readership of approximately 2,500. We are always looking to better represent our community, so contact Helen Morgan, our editor, to discuss your article ideas.

Add your voice to a policy consultation

Respond to a Public Affairs and Policy consultation. They will be posted on our website, in our monthly eNewsletters and on social media.

Advertise with us

Contact us, if you would like to advertise in New Associations or our monthly eNewsletters. To promote your event, please visit our Events section and complete the online form. To advertise a job opportunity, please do the same on our Vacancies section.

Contribute to our Scholars’ network

Our termly Scholars newsletter is managed by Dr Theodora Thomadaki (University of Roehampton) and Dr Jacob Johanssen (St. Mary’s University).
The newsletter aims to facilitate a home and community for our Scholars, where we can share ideas, get to know each other, and learn about events or other activities.
Please email Theodora and Jacob if you would like to be involved. Find out more about our Scholars programme.

Attend a BPC event

We host a variety of events throughout the year, including events for Trainees and our annual flagship event, PPNow. Attendance is open to anyone with an interest in the psychoanalytic or psychotherapy fields. We will share information on social media, in our monthly eNewsletters and in our Events section.

Join the conversation

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and take part in conversations with the psychoanalytic community.

We are keen to develop our website as a crucial forum for information and debate in the world of psychotherapy, contemporary psychology and mental health. Please get in touch if you have any thoughts about how we can improve our service to the public and our profession.

Become a BPC Registrant

We do not have a category for individual membership but, if you are interested in becoming a Registrant, please contact one of our Member Institutions (MIs) to discuss their membership criteria. MIs run our accredited trainings in psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapy, which lead to BPC Registration.


BPC Memberships

If you’re not interested in joining our Register but want to be apart of our professional community, explore the various member categories below and join to stay up-to-date with the BPC.
Read more