New Funded Opportunities for NHS Roles

New Funded Opportunities for NHS Roles

The BPC has committed to work with the NHS and HEE to increase the delivery of the full range of approved therapies in the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme (IAPT), and to expand the availability of non-CBT, psychoanalytically informed therapies such as Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT).

HEE decision to fund 300 IAPT High Intensity Therapist posts – the majority of these roles will not be CBT – across all regions of England is a significant and important step that recognises the urgent need to intervene in the historic lack of choice and availability of IAPT non-CBT therapies, such as Couple Therapy for Depression and DIT.

All posts will be salaried, successful applicants will receive training in the relevant therapy and training fees will be fully funded by HEE. This initiative is specifically focussed on recruiting professionals from outside IAPT to support the expansion of IAPT as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.

To apply for a High Intensity therapist trainee role in a non-CBT modality (e.g. DIT, Couple Therapy for Depression, IPT) candidates will need professional accreditation.



New BPC CEO Announcement

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