Wilfred Bion Webinar Series

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Organised by:

OPUS - An Organisation for Promoting Understanding in Society

10 April 2024 - 12 June 2024

Time: 19:45 - 21:00

Price: £300-£350

Location: online


The Individual in the Group, The Group in the Individual

The aim of this ten-week series is to discuss ten of W R Bion’s ideas that help us understand ourselves as individuals, and as inextricably group or social beings. It is a series about the psychology of the individual in the group, and how the group is in the individual.

Bion is notoriously difficult to read, and therefore to understand him takes considerable determination and will. The weekly discussions will be based upon his key texts that help us understand ourselves as individuals in the group, and how the group is in us as individuals. Participants will be expected to read the allocated weekly text and be ready to contribute to the discussion.

As with Freud, Bion developed his ideas throughout his career. Therefore, there are often references or brief descriptions of previously discussed ideas within subsequent texts. Some of these previous ideas may be ones the series has in focus, or they may not be. We will be keeping the focus of attention on the weekly text, and its relation to that weekly idea/topic.

The curriculum and reading list will be sent to participants once they have been allocated a place on the series. Bion’s writings are not available free on-line and so participants should expect to purchase them.

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