Updates on Neuroscience: A Jungian Perspective
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British Psychotherapy Foundation
Over the course of 2 sessions the speakers will give an overview of current neuroscientific thinking and how it relates to our understanding and practice of psychotherapy. Whilst the speakers will explore the findings and how they relate to the Jungian model of the mind, the clinical implications will be of interest to all sections.
This event takes place across 2 sessions. Session 1 takes place on the 13th of March from 20:00-21:30 and session 2 takes place on the 20th of March from 20:00-21:30. You will receive x2 Zoom links when you register for this event.
The speakers will guide the audience through some key findings from a number of different neuroscientific thinkers. Building on an evolutionary understanding and through the use of a range of observational and experimental science, the Jungian Model of the mind will be revisited.
The areas covered will include the work of Panksep, Solms, Damisio, Friston and the more recent Carhart Harris. The concept of affective core will be considered along with archetype and internal working models. The proposal of considering our mind to have a core and extended consciousness will be explored, along with the subjective Id and Objective ego. This will be compared to the traditional idea of Jungian Self and Ego.
Finally, the more recent neuroscience work on psychedelics will help us to consider what we mean by Ego and Superego, perhaps even identifying particular neural networks from which these aspects of the mind operate. The clinical implications of these findings will be considered using the model of the entropic brain as a way to understand aspects of ego and superego function and how difficulties here create an internal dissociation from them and the affective core leading to difficulties with individuation.