The Me-Me-Me Mother – or Father: Working with the toxic legacy of narcissistic parenting

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19 November 2022

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Price: Qualified Practitioners: £85 Counselling/Psychotherapy Trainee: £75 WPF Therapy Trainees/Staff: £60

Location: online


This workshop will be delivered via Zoom.

  • What is a narcissistic parent? How can we recognise this?
  • How do we recognise the deep wounds, psychic pain and impossible relationships in later life.
  • How do we deal with that narcissistic parents from our adult selves?
  • How can we work with the lasting impact of narcissistic parenting with our adult clients?

‘When I’m dead, you’ll be all alone because your father doesn’t want you. Just remember that and treat me nicely.’ Thus Ariel Leve quotes her bohemian poet mother in her memoir about their difficult relationship, An Abbreviated Life.

Many of our clients have been propelled into our consulting rooms due to the wounds form narcissistic parenting. Many of us may have ended up as therapists for the same reasons.

Workshop Aims 

By the end of the workshop you can expect:

  • An understanding of narcissism.
  • Familiarity with specific symptoms, issues and characteristics of adult children of narcissists.
  • Relevant theory – eg narcissistic rage; Shaw’s ‘traumatic narcissism’; Fairbairn’s rejecting object.
  • Ideas on working with adult children of narcissistic parents.


There will be tutor presentation on narcissistic parenting; definition of narcissism and its characteristics then an outline of its effects on offspring as well as group discussions.

Group discussion and questions. There will be space for thinking about our clinical work as well as working with the transference and countertransference.

Workshop Leader

Wendy Bristow trained at WPF Therapy and has worked in private practice in Central London and then Angel for the past seven years. Her background is in the media – she worked as a magazine journalist and editor before training as an executive coach. She then coached and trained editors and journalists at the BBC, Conde Nast and all the major magazine houses and some newspapers. She therefore has some 30 years’ experience of being self-employed.  She has written on the legacy of narcissistic parenting for Therapy Today and the therapy portal Welldoing.

Target Audience:

This workshop is open to training and qualified counsellors and psychotherapists.  The focus of the workshop will be psychodynamic thinking but practitioners of all modalities are welcome to attend. Please note that by booking on this workshop you agree to keep all discussion confidential.

Please note that by booking a ticket for this event, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions for CPD events, so please read through them carefully before making your purchase.

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