Projection in Jungian Psychology and Analysis with Svetlana Zdravkovic
Organised by:
C.G. Jung Club London
This event is offered by the C. G. Jung Club London. The Friday evening takes place on Zoom. The Saturday workshop take place at the Essex Church.
The Club warmly welcomes anyone with an interest in Jungian psychology and related fields. Website:
Friday June 9 7.00pm – 9.30pm ONLINE
Saturday June 10 10.00am – 4.30pm (with a break for lunch) AT VENUE
The notion of projection is very important for the psychotherapeutic process in Jungian analysis. People are projecting all the time, being conscious of it or (more often) not. Both positive and negative projections could not be avoided and during the psychotherapeutic process, they are being seen as precious material for getting into contact with patient`s unconscious material. Besides the discussion of the theoretical aspects of Jungian view on projections, complexes, transference and other related issues, the author is connecting the above mentioned themes with her clinical work with patients and with cultural amplifications. The workshop with active imagination, based on the lecture, will be performed with clay. The participants will be exploring the issues of projection in the experiential work. The lecture and the workshop will be held in vivo.
Asst Prof Svetlana Zdravković is a doctor of psychology, specialist in medical psychology and Jungian analyst (IAAP, IGAP, CIPA). She has worked at the Institute for Mental Health in Belgrade, Serbia for over 25 years, where she also leads the Board for Culture. She is the Assistant Professor at the College of Social Work (Department of Psychology) in Belgrade and Docente in Centro Italiano di Psicologia Analitica in Rome. She is a Grant Awarding Coordinator and a national representative in COST action 18124 – European Sexual Medicine Network (ESMN). Svetlana is the author of two books and numerous articles.
Cost for the workshop: £77.50
Friday evening only £25 / Saturday only £52.50 inc materials
Club Members/GPP Members: £67.50 The Seminar is limited to 15 participants
Friday evening only £21.65 / Saturday only £45.85 inc materials
Email: to book your place
NOTE: Booking will close at 5pm on Thursday June 8 or when 15 participants have booked
PAYMENT: can be made by debit/credit card or PayPal on our website (home page above picture of C G Jung)
BACS payment should be made to C G Jung Club London
Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-95-35 Account No: 00304455
BIC/SWIFT: LOYDGB21466 IBAN: GB77 LOYD 3095 3500 3044 55
Ref: June 9 10 and your surname
CPD Cert: If required please request when booking
To book, email