Mediterranean Fever – an opportunity to watch, reflect and discuss with Andrea Sabbadini

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Organised by:

West Midlands Institute of Psychotherapy

21 May 2023

Time: 14:00 - 17:00

Price: £10 (£8 concessions)


Midlands Art Centre
Cannon Hill Park

United Kingdom
B12 9QH

Map of address


The Analytic Film Group of the West Midlands Institute of Psychotherapy is proud to present a collaboration between Flatpack Festival and Andrea Sabbadini.

This event will bring together Andrea’s psychoanalytic reflections on film with Flatpack’s expertise and invite the audience to apply a psychological lens to a film viewing together.
Following the viewing Andrea and one of the Flatpack team will discuss their perspectives on this piece and extend the invitation to the audience to contribute their reflections.

The film we will be watching is Mediterranean Fever
Winner of the Best Screenplay award at Cannes 2022. Maha Haj’s Mediterranean Fever explores masculinity and mental health with considerable warmth and gentle humour.

Set amongst the Arab community in the Israeli city of Haifa, this darkly comic feature follows the unlikely friendship of Waleed, an aspiring writer suffering with chronic depression, and Jalal, a low-level crook. As the pair become closer, we learn that they may have more in common than they first thought… and that’s not necessarily a good thing.

The event will begin with Andrea’s reflections on the relationship between psychoanalysis and film and follow with a screening of the feature. After a short break we will return to a discussion between Flatpack and Andrea and questions, reflections and thoughts will be welcomed from the floor.

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