Jung’s Answer to Job with Alan Mulhern

Organised by:

C.G. Jung Club London

01 April 2023

Time: 10:30 - 16:30

Price: £50 (Club members £43.50)


The Essex Church
112 Palace Gardens Terrace

United Kingdom
W8 4RT

Map of address


This Saturday event is offered by the C.G. Jung Club London and will take place at the Essex Church in London.

The Club warmly welcomes anyone with an interest in Jungian psychology and related fields. Visit website at https://www.jungclub-london.org/

Our speaker introduces his subject thus:

An exploration of Jung’s multi-faceted Answer to Job, from its origins to the influences of the esoteric traditions, e.g. Gnosticism, Kaballah and Alchemy.
Alan will also discuss Jung’s major concern with the dark side of the creator
and the current global apocalypse and will argue that this text is deeply
connected with the practice of Jungian Psychotherapy.

Alan Mulhern was unable to host this Seminar on Saturday 11 February and we have been able to rearrange it for SATURDAY 1 APRIL at the Essex Church.

There will be an initial summary overview of the lecture, as a reminder to those who attended the original online Friday evening session and to allow those who didn’t attend to catch up. This will be followed by a Q&A session, with potential questions being emailed in advance. The afternoon will continue with small group sessions.

ALAN MULHERN is a Jungian Analyst and author of Healing Intelligence: The Spirit in Psychotherapy (Karnac 2013) and The Sower and the Seed (Karnac 2015). He taught economics for many years in the university sector. He is director of the
Quest Lecture Series, and author of a podcast series The Quest: Vision in an Age of Crisis.

The seminar is limited to 15 participants.

BOOKING AND PAYMENT CPD Cert: If required please request when booking
NOTE: Booking will close at 5pm on Thursday March 30 or when 15 participants have booked

PAYMENT: can be made by debit/credit card or PayPal on our website https://www.jungclub-london.org/ (home page above picture of C G Jung)

To book, email admin@jungclub-london.org



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