Grief Symposium: Meeting Grief and Loss in Children and their Families

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Organised by:

Tavistock Society of Psychotherapists

08 February 2023

Time: 18:00 - 20:00

Price: £30


Webinar Wednesday 08 February 2023
6-8pm UK
(1:00-3:00pm EST /10:00am-12:00pm PST) If you’re unable to make this time, a recording will be made and sent to all ticket holders.

In this webinar offered by MINDinMIND, Jane O’Rourke will be in conversation with two leading specialists on childhood grief, Corinne Masur and Louis Weinstock.

Key discussion areas:

  • Identifying the effects of bereavement on the outcomes of children and young people
  • How do babies, children and teens understand death at different ages?
  • At what age should you tell a child about death?
  • Should children attend funerals?
  • How do you explain suicide to a child, particularly a young child?
  • What are the common obstacles to mourning?
  • How can parents and teachers best support bereaved children?
  • Developing a shared language to discuss death and loss with children
  • How technology can help bereaved children
  • The history and study of bereavement: theoretical underpinnings
  • When does loss become trauma?
  • Why loneliness is a predictor for ‘complicated grief’


  • How do you know if a child who has suffered a loss needs treatment?
  • How can therapists, teachers, social workers and other professionals best support bereaved children?
  • What does individual treatment look like?
  • Is group therapy helpful?

Corinne Masur
Corinne has over 35 years experience working with childhood and adult grief.
Corinne is author of a new book, ‘When a Child Grieves’. If you would like to buy the book, there is a special discount for MINDinMIND subscribers which gives a 25% discount. Use code GRIEVE25

Corinne is an award winning child and adult supervising psychoanalyst at The Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia (PCOP)and a founder of the Philadelphia Center for Psychoanalytic Education and The Philadelphia Declaration of Play, an organisation which advocates for the right of all children to have access to free, imaginative play.
She has recently published, ‘Flirting With Death: Psychoanalysts Consider Mortality’. She is also author of the blog, ‘Thoughtful Parenting’. Corinne is a three-time recipient of the J. Alexis Burland Award for excellence in teaching.

Louis Weinstock
Louis Weinstock has over 20 years experience guiding children through loss. His work is helping us to reconceptualise death and grieving. He says, ‘I see death as our greatest teacher, and avoidance of it our biggest mistake.’
Louis is the author of ‘How the World is Making Our Children Mad and What to do About It’. Philippa Perry says of Louis, ‘I know of no one better qualified to know what young people are facing today. This book will help you help your kids thrive in a mad world.’
Louis has also created an app, ‘A Part of Me’ to help bereaved children.

There will be time for questions from the audience. If you’re unable to make this time, a recording will be made and sent to all ticket holders. We are looking forward to warmly welcoming you

Jane O’Rourke is a Child, Adolescent and Family Psychotherapist and Founder of MINDinMIND. She runs the counselling service in a state primary school in London, UK and was an award winning producer at the BBC.

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