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Past editions of New Associations

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New Associations Archive

41 2023 New Associations
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Marchelle Farrell, Landscapes of Change, Helen Morgan, The Need for ‘Doubts and Loves’, Jennie Hogan, How Does Your Garden Grow?, Carolyn Bates, Listening for the Crucial: Elements of Hope in the Tiny Beings, Dr Jay Watts, The Personality Disorder Shield, Merryn Jones and Rob Thorman, Making Sense of The Madness: A podcast about what’s going on and what’s going wrong with mental health provision in the UK today, Martin Kemp, Host Cultures and their Influence on Psychoanalytic Values, David Morgan, Fake News: The Role of Suggestion in a Fast World, Glenn Gossling, Isca Wittenberg: ‘My Story is One of Beginnings and Endings’, David Mann, The Patient : Murderous Rage on the Small Screen, Sally Warren, My Phantoms : A Brilliant Portrayal of Family Dysfunction, Jane O’Rourke, MINDinMIND: Capturing the Voices of Child Psychotherapists as a Legacy for Future Generations
40 2023 New Associations
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Nini Fang, Unseen City: A Conversation with Ankhi Mukherjee, Helen Morgan, Voices from the Margins, Deborah Wright, Inside a hurricane: decolonising psychoanalytic practices from a Brazilian perspective, Manali Arora, From the Shadows of Disavowal: Psychic Terrain of Caste in India, Judith Anderson, Facing Climate Breakdown – Psychotherapists in Action or in Waiting, Chris Brogan, Reflections on a series of workshops linking Winnicott and the Climate Crisis, Emma Staples Hotopf and Maxine Dennis, 10 Windsor Walk: a New Centre for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in South London, Deborah L.S. Wright, The Queen is Dead, Long Live the King: Spatialisation Following the Queen’s Death, Nick Stock, My Teaching. Lacanian Reflections from the Classroom, Emmanuelle Smith, In Defense of Mess: Désordre is not Disorder, Jocelyn Catty, The Time of Care: A Waiting Times Conference, Lucia Sarmiento-Verano, The Subtle Racism of White Women in Therapeutic Spaces, Katya Orrell, Sensitivity into paranoia, Lydia Prior, Hunters hunted, Dr Marco Chiesa MD, FRCPsych, Covid-19 Vaccination, A Failure in Critical Thinking and Reality Testing
39 2023 New Associations
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Lisa Baraitser, On being with others ‘now’, Helen Morgan, Editorial, Angela Foster, Thoughts on PPNow, Saturday 12 November 2022, Noreen Giffney, How Do We Teach Psychoanalytic Theory?, Fakhry Davids, Maxine Dennis, and Helen Morgan, The Question of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Institutional Racism, Romalyn Ante, Antiemetic for Homesickness, PPNow 2022 Award Winners, Michaela Chamberlain, What Misogyny?, Jacob Johanssen and Steffen Krüger, Social Media and the Deadly Drive of Negative Narcissism: The Case of Andrew Tate, Harvey Schwartz, Psychoanalysis On and Off the Couch, Karen Cross, Defended states of play: What the toy story teaches us about inclusion in the digital age, Lorena Muñoz-Alonso, Masquerading as Marilyn, Rebecca Davies, Hunger Games
38 2022 New Associations
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Sarah Majid, Holding onto Hope, The Moral Third, Helen Morgan, Losing and Finding Ourselves: Organisational Consultancy post-pandemic, Gabriella Braun, The tensions of teaching psychoanalysis in the neoliberal university, Candida Yates, All More Human than Otherwise: Northern Ireland and the Cost of Living in Crisis, David Smith, A plea for moderation and open debate, Leila Dubois-Barnes, What Can We Learn from Reading Lists?, Adam Ferner, An Imaginal Dialogue with You, Nini Fang, Prejudice (Beyond the Transference), Adam Goren, The importance of a playful state of mind for adults, Joanna Fortune, A Psychoanalytic Approach in the British Secret Service – Henry Dicks: child of the revolution., Glenn Gossling, ‘The actual doing’ and the limits of analysis, Rachel Chaplin, What Makes Us Human?, Johnathan Sunley
37 2022 New Associations
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Gary Lachman, Return of the Dark Side; Helen Morgan, The Art of Ironing; Elena Liulina, Shadows of War; Jan Wiener and Catherine Crowther, A Question of Divided Professional Loyalties: Working in Russia and Ukraine; Dr Lita Crociani-Windland, Beyond Division; John Adlam and Christopher Scanlon, Practices of Disappointment: Going along with stuff less and getting out more; Karl Figlio, Lying in Autocratic Society: A challenge to democracy; Ian Thurston, Psychoanalysis and the New Progressivism – a critical view; Lisa Moran, Un|forgettable: The memorial as a locus of memory or amnesia? Ally Kessler, Marta Bolognani and Nicola Padel, “A pebble in the pool”: A simple usable model for a free timelimited psychotherapy clinic; Emmanuelle Smith, Wish You Were Here? Ambrose Hogan, The Messy Business of Being Human.
36 2022 New Associations
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Anouchka Grose, The Final Act. Anna Motz, Murder, Betrayal and Denial. PPNow 2021 Awards. BPC Statement of Regret. Alice Kentridge, Can We Be Out Inside? Joanna Ryan, Review of BPC PPNow 2021 on Sexual Diversity and Psychoanalysis. Poul Rohleder, Julie Walsh, and Róisín Ryan-Flood, Same-Sex Couples Holding Hands. Esther Rapoport, Bisexuality as Lived Experience and its Relevance to Psychoanalysis. Daniel Anderson, The Discursive Legacies of Sexuality in Psychoanalysis and Group Analysis. Katarina Horrox, Creative Thinking within New Boundaries: An outdoor therapy service. Ambrose Hogan, The Shudder in the Room. David Mann, Northern Sights.
35 2021 New Associations
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John Alderdice, Northern Ireland – a case study in building better relations in the era of Brexit and Covid. Gerard Drennan, Restorative Justice – a Role for Psychotherapy. Brian Martindale, Open Dialogue. Josh Cohen, Covid, Psychotherapy and Fiction. Nini Fang, The Yellow Abject. Coretta Ogbuagu, ‘Home is Where We Start From’: The importance of home during the pandemic. Harriet Gaze, Covid and Me. Matthew Wyatt, The Biological Unconscious. Noreen Giffney, The Culture-Breast: A New Clinical Concept. Lucy Stroud, Melancholic Communities: A psychosocial response to Real Life magazines. Lydia Prior, Lower Your Expectations. Richard Williams, Edinburgh’s Pandemic Festival.
34 2021 New Associations
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Vicky Lebeau, No Child Should Go Hungry. Louise Woodhead, Support is Key. Carol Leader, Locked Down: Reflections from the consulting room. Annie Pesskin, Starting a Parenting Support Group during Lockdown. Richard Curen, Missing People and the Search Within. Martin Kemp, Further thoughts on ‘Decolonising Psychotherapy.’ Helen Morgan, The Problem of Whiteness. Fiona Riley, More than Mentors. Maggie Murray, Freud’s Lesbian Patient – 100 Years On. Martin Gill, Reflections on Manchester’s Psychoanalytic History. Pauline Hodson, Saying Goodbye. Reviews: Smita Rajput Kamble, Jonathan Barham.
33 2021 New Associations
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Glenn Gossling, 100 Years of the Tavistock and Portman; PPNow 2020 Responses: Susie Orbach, Paul Hoggett, Vicky Lebeau; Wayne Full, Gender, Sexuality, and Relationship Diversity Bibliography; Narendra Keval, Reasoning with Racism: Some Conundrums; Jane Milton, A Marmite Person? Melanie Klein and Her Legacy; Andrew Cooper, The Tavistock – Now and Then; Karen Izod, Swell; Andy Hardie, ‘Better Out Than In’: Working Therapeutically Outside; Paul Hoggett, Covid: The Shout of the Non-Human; Emmanuelle Smith, Training Through a Pandemic; Pamela Bartram, Love and Loss: Infant Observation in the Time of Covid-19; Sangita Mulji, The Spaces in Between; Sally Arthur, The Plague That’s Always with Us; Johnathan Sunley, A Terrifying Roar of Rage.
32 2020 New Associations
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Julian Manley and Wendy Hollway, Breaking the Shell, Rescuing the Seed; Maxine Dennis, Black Lives Matter and its implications for psychoanalysis; Farhad Dalal, The Pandemic of Lies; Johnathan Sunley, A Plea from Pan? Coronavirus and the Unconscious; Clint Burnham, Masks, Handwashing and Zoom: The Way We Lack Now; Abi Canepa-Anson, The Problem of Unconscious Bias and Racism Within Psychotherapy Training; Helen Morgan, Lifting the Veil; Lynn Froggett, Feeling the Future: Transmissive Selves and Pandemic Imaginaries; Malcolm Allen, Grief in the Time of Coronavirus; Deborah Anna Luepnitz, Psychoanalysis and Homelessness in Philadelphia; Mary Thomas, Remote Experiencing: Art During Lockdown.
31 2020 New Associations
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Chris Vincent, Stories we tell ourselves when faced by illness; Helen Morgan, Hope is the Thing with the Feathers; Jennifer Davids, Between Hope and Despair: Responses to Covid-19; Stephen Crawford; Hope as a Human Capacity; Karen Izod, Hope; Ivan ward, The Limitations of Hope: And a Note on Social Metaphors; John Woods, Nothing Right; Sanchia Barlow, The Lure of Unrealistic Hope; Nicola Abel-Hirsch, Bion's Raft; Ron Bushyager, Religious Hope — a Powerful Defence or an Aid to Meaning? Vamik Volkan, The Tree Method of Unofficial Psychoanalytic Diplomacy; Juliet Newbigin and Leezah Hertzmann, Sexuality and Gender - where are we now? Nick Benefield and Jessica Yakely, Psychoanalysis Engaging Prisons; Rebecca Davies, A Good Enough Childhood; Robert Snell, Paper as a Dream Screen.
30 2020 New Associations
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PPNow 2019 review. Gary Younge, Notes from the margins. Helen Morgan, The centre cannot hold. Catherine Fieschi, Losers, winners and zombies.
29 2019 New Associations
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Sally Weintrobe, Noah's Arkism. Paul Hoggett, Getting Real. Rebecca Nestor, Engage the public on climate change. Rob Stuart, Extinction Rebellion.
28 2019 New Associations
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Anthony Barnett, The Passions of Brexit. Susanna Abse, Brexit: Trauma, Identity and the Core Complex. Brent Thomson, Brexit: Northern Ireland. Gabrielle Brown, PA Thinking and the Unhoused Mind.
27 2018 New Associations
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David Hewison, The Impact of Research on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Sue Mizen, Psychotherapy and the NHS. Jonathan Shedler and Jessica Yakeley, Evidence and the Profession at Large.
26 2018 New Associations
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Joanna Ryan: Class, Identity Politics and Disavowal. Juliet Newbigin and David Richards, Where are we with Sexual and Gender Diversity? Wayne Full; Conversing, not conversion, with Same-Sex Sexualities. Susie Orbach, Identity in Light of the #metoo. Kannan Navaratnem, Culture, Race and Language in the Consulting Room.
25 2018 New Associations
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Susanna Abse, More Doing and Less Being. Candida Yates, On the psychodynamics of Boris Johnson. Helen Morgan, Regulation, Edlership and Analytic Work. Felicitas Rost, Psychoanalysis needs Reserach and Research needs psychoanalysis. David Gilbert, on Involving Patients.
24 2017 New Associations
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Susie Orbach, The fragilities of late capitalism. Catherine Fieschi, Protecting the grey zones. Joanna de Waal, Political engagement. James Johnston, The analytic settee.
23 2017 New Associations
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Jo Stubley, Responding to traumatic events. Susan Mizen, Making the case for investment. Katherine Killick, Art therapy and psychotic states of mind.
22 2016/2017 New Associations
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Maxine Dennis, Ordinary differences, different states of mind. Helen Morgan, The centre and the margins: whose problem is it anyway? Narendra Keval, License to hate: racist states of mind. Marina Christoforidou, Ordinary differences.
21 2016 New Associations
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Andrew Cooper and Julian Lousada, What's our state of mind? Graham Music, Brexit, project fear, and the other. Anca Carrington, Money matters. Peter Fonagy, Innovations and development in psychoanalysis.
20 2016 New Associations
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Lene Auestad, The social unconscious and the herd. Elizabeth Cotton, Start where you are. Johnathan Sunley, It's time to get out of our heads. Carolyn Butler, On 'not knowing.'
19 2015 New Associations
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Andrew Cooper, Reviving therapeutic social work. Philip Stokoe, The impact of power on the mind of the politician. Annie Pesskin, Why neuroscience matters to our profession.
18 2015 New Associations
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17 2015 New Associations
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16 2014 New Associations
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15 2014 New Associations
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14 2014 New Associations
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David Bell, Mental illness and its treatment today. Sally Beeken, Jumping the NHS ship. Amita Sehgal, What is psychoanalytic couple therapy? Smita Rajput Kamble, Getting it ‘right’.
13 2013 New Associations
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PPNOW conference report. Jean Knox, The ‘blame and shame’ society. Frank Lowe, The August 2011 riots – ‘them’ and ‘us’. Narendra Keval, Racist states of mind in institutional life.
12 2013 New Associations
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M. Fakhry Davids, ‘Why so white?’ Karen Ciclitira and Nena Foster, Diversity research: a helpful first step. Agnes Bryan, African psychology: another frame of reference. Gail Lewis, Challenged and inspired.
11 2013 New Associations
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Bringing democracy to psychoanalysis, Christopher Bollas. Psychoanalysis and religion. Working with victims of torture. Infant observation: the experience from outside and inside.
10 2012 New Associations
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Eileen McGinley, DSM-5 wrangling over mourning and depression. Richard Graham, 'Live therapy' via social media. Maxine Dennis, how the NHS is changing. Paul Hoggett, on denying climate change.
09 2012 New Associations
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BPC Chair Julian Lousada and UKCP Chair Janet Weisz in conversation. Ian Williamson, what drives Olympians. Brian Rock, can primary care commissioning can be creative? Julia Bland, calls for a new humility.
07 2011 New Associations
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David Morgan, we are all asylum seekers. Gwen Adshead, institutional defences in institutional settings. John Gordon, reflective practice in forensic settings. Jean Knox explores relational psychotherapy.
06 2011 New Associations
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Nick Benefield, Psychologically Informed Planned Environments. Jeremy Holmes, rethinking frequency of sessions. David Tuckett, on the markets. Anca Carrington, on economics.
05 2011 New Associations
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04 2010 New Associations
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PPPNow 2010 conference review. Keith Bunin, creating psychic reality for the screen. Rachael Davenhill, psychotherapy can offer hope to dementia sufferers and carers.
03 2010 New Associations
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PPNow 2010 conference review. Kevin Healy and Anthony Maden, the threats to DSPD services in prisons. Heather Wood, on the disturbing rise in the use of internet sex. Laura Gonzalez, Tate Modern exhibition, 'Exposed: Voyeurisms, Surveillance and the Camera.'
02 2010 New Associations
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BPC, BACP and UKCP Chairs debate statutory regulation and the HPC; Patrick Pietroni, discusses the concept of a modern profession; Helen Morgan interviews Val Huet (BAAT) on professional life post-statutory registration; Frances Roper, investigates adapting models of training.
01 2009 New Associations
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