Jung: An Introduction to his work and ideas with Chris Driver

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25 March 2023

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Price: Qualified Practitioners £85;Counselling/Psychotherapy Trainees£75;WPF Therapy Trainees/Staff £60

Location: online


Would you like to be introduced to, and to understand the ideas of C.G. Jung?
Do you want to learn more about Jung’s key ideas about the self, archetypes, the shadow, the transcendent function and the alchemical metaphor in relation to the processes of self-development and individuation?
Would you like to consider how Jung’s ideas help us understand the complexity of who we are?

At the end of this workshop participants will: 

Gain an understanding of Jung’s life and the way his ideas emerged
Acquire an understanding of some of Jung’s key concepts.
Gain an understanding of how Jung used the processes of alchemy as a metaphor in relation to self-development and individuation.
Have an understanding of how Jung’s ideas help us gain a deeper awareness about the experience of being human.

Workshop Leader
Dr. Christine Driver is a Jungian Analyst and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, a member of the Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP) and Fellow of the Foundation for Counselling and Psychotherapy (FPC). She was Director of Training at WPF Therapy, teaches, supervises and works in private practice.  She has recently published The Self and the Quintessence: A Jungian Perspective (2020, Routledge) and co-written and co-edited Being and Relating in Psychotherapy (2013, Palgrave), Supervision and the Analytic Attitude (2005, Whurr) and Supervising Psychotherapy (2002, Sage).

Target Audience 

Anyone interested in the work and ideas of C.G. Jung.

This is an introductory level workshop and will be of interest to those who know little about Jung or are interested in consolidating basic knowledge. The workshop is open to qualified and training psychotherapists and counsellors including those on basic introductory courses. No knowledge of Jung will be assumed.

All participants completing the workshop will receive a Certificate of Attendance for Continuing Professional Development purposes.

Please note that by booking a ticket for this event, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions for CPD events, so please read through them carefully before making your purchase.


If you experience any problems during the application process then please contact events@wpf.org.uk.

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