Being a Therapist in a Time of Crisis
Book ticketsOrganised by:
Harry Guntrip Psychotherapy Trust
The climate crisis presents a dilemma for therapists and their patients regarding the role of social action and political activism. The call to action is most commonly answered by those that have not yet entered the world of work or those reaching the end of their careers. What does it mean to attempt to hold down a career, particularly in the field of counselling and psychotherapy, whilst also attempting to shift the public discourse outside of the consulting room?
Psychoanalytic theory encourages us to reflect upon our own internal thoughts, feelings and relationship dynamics, rather than risk acting out: “Don’t just do something, stand there!” Or more precisely, “Sit there.” However, what use is it to assist a patient coming to terms with their own unconscious conflicts when the world around them appears to be collapsing? Should we restrict ourselves to the consideration of underlying unconscious attitudes and beliefs, or step outside the comfort and relative safety of the consulting room into the wider world?
In a rich and thought-provoking paper, the psychotherapist Rob Stuart will be exploring these themes, with reference to his own experiences both inside and outside the consulting room.
Dr Chris Douglas will then be invited to provide his response to the presentation, considering his own experience of working within an NHS psychotherapy service and the wider political and environmental context.
The conversation will then continue in the Panel after the break where the audience will be invited to participate and ask questions.
Rob Stuart is a Psychodynamic Counsellor registered with the British Psychoanalytic Council. Rob trained at Birkbeck College, University of London and spent five years as an Honorary Psychotherapist at CNWL NHS Foundation Trust. He has worked in general mental health since 2008 and has run a successful private practice in Walthamstow, East London since 2015.
As well as an MSc in Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy, Rob also has a degree in Philosophy and Politics and a graduate diploma in Psychology. He is a Director at OPUS – An Organisation for Promoting Understanding in Society – where he is responsible for the Listening Post, an international project designed to study unconscious aspects of global society.
Rob is a determined advocate of climate activism and has personally organised or been involved in a number of environmental protests under the auspices of Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil. As a consequence of his peaceful resistance against the UK Government, Rob now has criminal record.
Rob is a passionate speaker and writer on the subject of unconscious aspects of the climate crisis. He has spoken at OPUS conferences, Birkbeck Counselling Association study days and the Political Mind seminars at the Institute of Psychoanalysis. He has had articles published by New Associations, the Climate Psychology Alliance, Open Democracy and Organisational and Social Dynamics.
Dr Chris Douglas is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Medical Psychotherapy in Southwest Yorkshire, Co-Chair of the Accreditation Committee of the UK Balint Society, and the Chair of the Harry Guntrip Psychotherapy Trust.
Jo Miley is a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, and is Service Supervision Lead at NSCAP.